How OPS Utilized AI to Automate and Securely Manage Sensitive Health Data with Webcapsule

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Anaïs Morand
General Manager

OPS, a subsidiary of OCIRP — the non-profit union of provident institutions mentioned in reference 7 — plays a crucial role in orchestrating the deployment and adoption of OCIRP’s services among subcontracting partners.

The Challenge: Automating Time-Consuming Tasks While Ensuring Data Security

OPS collaborates with multiple caregiving organizations to provide personalized support. However, tasks such as note-taking, follow-up on interviews, and the documentation of exchanges, while necessary, are time-consuming and add little value to the caregiving process itself.

Anaïs Morand, General Manager at OPS, approached Webcapsule to deploy an AI-driven solution capable of automating the generation of summaries from interviews, based on both audio recordings and notes. Given the sensitivity and confidentiality of the health data involved, it was critical that this solution adhere to the highest security standards.

The Webcapsule Solution

Webcapsule’s engineering platform enabled OPS to rapidly prototype, test, and deploy an AI-powered solution that met their stringent security and confidentiality requirements. By leveraging a range of services — including app builders like ActivePieces and AI tools such as Bedrock and Llm such as Mistral AI — Webcapsule seamlessly integrated these capabilities into OPS’s existing infrastructure.

The solution provided by Webcapsule ensured that AI-driven summaries could be generated automatically, significantly reducing the time spent on administrative tasks while maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive health data.

Results: A Rapid, Secure Deployment with High Impact

Thanks to Webcapsule, OPS was able to move from concept to production in just two weeks, delivering a highly secure AI solution that automates a previously labor-intensive process. This rapid deployment not only improved operational efficiency but also allowed caregivers to focus more on providing personalized support to their clients, rather than being bogged down by administrative tasks.